miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013


Formato MP3
Compositores: M83, Anthony Gonzalez y Joseph Trapanese
Link: http://uploaded.net/file/u0vtphof
Track List

  1. Jack's Dream
  2. Waking Up
  3. Supercell
  4. Tech 49
  5. The Library
  6. Horatius
  7. Starwaves
  8. Hydroring
  9. Crater Lake
  10. Unidentified Object
  11. Odyssey Rescue
  12. Return From Delta
  13. Retreval
  14. Earth 2077
  15. Revelations
  16. Drone Attack
  17. Return To Empire State
  18. Losing Control
  19. Canyon Battle
  20. Radiation Zone
  21. You Can't Save Her
  22. Welcome Back
  23. Raven Rock
  24. Knife Fight In A Phone Booth
  25. I'm Sending You Away
  26. Ashes Of Our Fathers
  27. Temples Of Our Gods
  28. Fearful Odds
  29. Undimer By Time
  30. Oblivion

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