Titulo: RoboCop
Año: 2014
Compositor: Pedro BromfmanMP3
Link: http://bit.ly/1hohYI6
Track List:
- Mattox And Reporters
- First Day
- Title Card
- Restaurand Shootout
- Omnicorp
- Calling Home
- Made In China
- Fixing RoboCop
- Uploading Data
- Reputation On The Line
- Explosion
- RoboCop Presentation
- If I Had A Pulse
- Going After Jerry
- Vallon's Warehouse
- Murphy's Case Is Filed
- They're Going To Kill Him
- Rooftop
- Mattox Is Down
- Clara And David
- Sellars Lies
- Code Red
- 2.6 Billion
- Iran Inspection
- Battling Robots